Hi everyone,
Last month I signed up to be apart of SWPP - Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers which is based in the UK. This organization is very much similar to WPPI - Wedding and Portrait Photographers International (which I am also apart of ) but is based in the USA.
As a member of SWPP, you can enter in their monthly competition which will be judge every beginning of the succeeding month. Categories are not limited to weddings, from architecture, baby portraits to macro pretty much all the branches of photography but each member can only submit one image per category and as many categories; thus are graded/marked as follows:
Gold - Silver - Bronze - Unclassified
Gold: Awards will go forward to the annual judging and are deemed to be images of the highest standard and will be published in Professional Imagemaker
Silver: Above standard. These images will be reviewed every three months and have the potential of being reclassified as Gold.
Bronze: Acceptable competent image.
Unclassified: Below acceptable standard for a competition image.
last month -November, I submitted images just to see where my artwork stands from the views of different judges. Here are my images and corresponding scores:
Category: Landscape - GOLD

Category: Portrait Traditional - GOLD

Category: Wedding Traditional - GOLD

Category: Monochrome - GOLD

Category: Fashion - Silver

Category: Glamour and Beauty - Silver

Category: Portrait Contemporary - Silver

Category: Wedding Bridal Portraits - Silver

Category: Wedding Contemporary - Bronze

Category: Family - Bronze

Category: Wedding Photojournalism - Bronze

4 GOLDs, 4 Silvers and 3 bronzes- I am very happy with what I got, though 1 of my favorite image of the year from Neill and Cherrie Mae Wedding (the one with the reflection) got a bronze, I was really surprised, I thought I could get a higher score but oh well, different strokes for different folks!!! :)....
To all my clients that have been apart of the winning images, THANK YOU for trusting me fully to create lasting memories of your wedding day....